• contactus@benchire.com
  • (+91)-829-609-HIRE

Benchire makes talent acquisition easy !

We promise to deliver superior experience to both, candidates and organizations.Our belief is that recruitment is more of science than an art. We are a team of seasoned professionals from various backgrounds who have come together to develop scientific tools to make recruitment easy. Call now to know more about services that we offer.

What we do

Premier hiring partners for the best talent in the industry.

Recruitment Solutions

We support Startup Hiring,
Permanent Staffing, Executive Search, Bulk Hiring ...

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Evaluation Solutions

Adaptive or Linear Aptitude Tests, Psychometric Tests and Technical Assessments along with ...

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Personalized Job Search

Understand the candidates career interests, provide industry suitable job recommendations ...

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Positions the Bench hires
Business & Technical Analysts
Software Engineers & Developers
Engineering Leads & Managers
Engineering Directors & VP's

We put the needs of our customer at the heart of everything we do.

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We will work as a one team to collaborate and improve continuously.

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We uphold the highest standards of personal and professional ethics.

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Transparency Breeds trust, trust is the true foundation of great teams.

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Our Core Competencies

Startup Hiring

We offer customized hiring solutions and work with in your budget.

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Permanent Hiring

We find the qualified & committed candidates apt for the position.

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Leadership Search

We understand your requirements and help find the right leader.

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Bulk Hiring

We offer candidates in bulk within a shorter time span with similar

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Adaptive Testing

Aptitiude, Psycometric & Technical tests at your disposal.

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Technical Interviews

Expert technologists in various domains form our panel.

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Reference Checks

Telephonic verification of the candidates work eithic using references.

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Graphs to visualize candidates evaluation & notes for as his feedback.

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